Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Three Main Benefits of Owning Chickens

In an economy that is in an alarming unrest for the longest time, it is very important to know how you can start relying on yourself. Self-reliance is the empowerment of oneself; it is our freedom, it is our independence in life, it is our own way to getting away from the control of huge corporations who not only produce genetically modified products, but also creates unhealthy food for our body.
We all know that for decades now, our food has been produced by big corporations. It is offered to us cheaply but what are the consequences? They deprive us from the nutrients we need. A good way to start empowering ourselves is to start producing our own food. We can start planting our vegetables for healthy salads and we can also start keeping chickens for fresh eggs. What are the benefits of keeping chickens on your own backyard?

Healthy Chickens – You will be able to produce healthy chickens because you can closely monitor their meals. You can ensure they get the nutrients they need and you will be able to make them happier.

Huge corporations have hundreds of chickens that are fed with unnatural food which is filled with hormones and drugs that makes them grow faster for lesser cost. In addition to that, they are kept in confined areas with lots of other chickens that add to their stress. All of these affect the chicken’s health and so is yours.

Nutritious, Fresh and Tasty Eggs – Eggs produced in the backyard have relatively more nutrition than farm eggs. They offer more omega-3 fatty acids than grocery eggs. They also have twenty-five percent more vitamin E, thirty-three percent more vitamin A and seventy-five percent more beta-carotene.

Farm eggs are kept in groceries for a longer time which can be days or weeks. This will cause for the egg to develop bad quality. Eggs have porous eggshells which are penetrated by air through time. This affects the egg’s nutrients, taste and consistency. If you produce your own eggs, you would enjoy egg whites that are firm and egg yolks that are bright yellow.

Instant Natural Fertilizer – When you got chickens going on in your backyard, the chicken poop adds more and more nutrients to the soil which will empower you more to produce crops. Chicken feces and cracked eggshells are high in nitrogen which is good for your plants. You can plant more veggies, trees and flowers and I am sure they will flourish and give you healthy and nutritious produce.

Keeping chickens for their eggs gives far more benefits for you. You can be a healthier person, you will be able to enjoy fresh eggs, you will also be able to easily plant crops and you can also possibly earn some cash out of it. When your chickens have produced so many eggs that you no longer know where to put them, you can start selling them to some of your close friends and neighbors. You will feel fulfillment in hatching your first batch of eggs. Self-empowerment can start with as simple as keeping and taking care of chickens at home.